Have you ever stopped to think about how you reward yourself for reaching your goals? Well I really didn't until a few days ago. A family member was talking to me about this blog and mentioned that maybe I needed to start changing the way I rewarded myself for reaching goals. WOW, I never REALLY thought about changing that. Honestly, it took a few days to really process that thought. I need to change how I reward myself.
I have said it before and I will say it again, I am a food addict. Food is my comfort, I use it when I am happy, sad, anxious, stressed out, it doesn't matter what the feeling is, I abuse it not matter what. I don't really need to figure out what is causing the emotions, I KNOW that stuff. With all of the counseling and meetings I have been to, I forgot that I need to change my REACTIONS to those feelings. It is no different than an alcoholic or drug addict saying, "I was good this week and I deserve to (drink or get high)" OR the opposite thought process when something negative happens. The way I react to an emotion is going to make or break my situation.
The next few weeks will be hard to conquer this thought process, but I have been enlightened and have a new way of thinking to work on. Now the challenge is to figure out WHAT to reward myself with LOL. Manicures? Pedicures? Clothes shopping? New music? New stuff for my car? This is not going to be easy, I hate spending money on those things...but I guess it's better than spending money on food that will eventually destroy my ultimate goal right now.
"Don't dream it, be it."
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