Wednesday, August 28, 2013

A few of my favorite things...

I am a crazy Tim Curry fan, I have been infatuated with him since I saw the movie Clue as a kid.  When I got into high school, I discovered The Rocky Horror Picture Show and was even more obsessed at that point...hanging out with a friend and acting out the entire movie ALL THE TIME.  I know almost every line in the movie and I definitely know EVERY LYRIC to EVERY SONG in the movie.  Another obsession, Monty Python, that I can thank my father for.  As a child, I really didn't understand the humor, but as a teenager I finally got it!  Both of these things have influenced my life, I am so silly with it.  In 2005, two of my favorite things were brought together, Tim Curry AND Monty Python & The Holy Grail - SPAMALOT on Broadway.  I actually went to see the show twice and MET TIM CURRY!
July 2005 Meeting Tim Curry
Waiting in Schubert Alley for 5 hours
If you look at my Ipod...the plays on the soundtrack for Spamalot and Rocky Horror are ridiculous!  Why am I telling you all this?  Well, even though both Rocky Horror and Spamalot are really silly stupid, if you listen to the soundtracks and REALLY listen to the lyrics, you will see that there is a message in some of the songs.  Some of them are just plain stupid and just make me laugh.  But Rocky Horror's "Fanfare/Don't Dream It" is always stuck in my head...I listen to the Monty Python Spamalot soundtrack in my car almost every day!  Crazy?  I know.  But I have "Find Your Grail" on repeat most of the time, it actually motivates me. "When your life, seems to drift, when we all need lift, trim your sail, you won't fail, find your grail..."
I end all of my posts with the tattoo on my shoulder and the saying "Be it, don't dream it."  I took that from Rocky Horror "Fanfare/Don't Dream It" because it meant something to me when I was a teenager.  I was going to live my dreams, not just dream it.  For the most part, I have been able to do that; anything I could imagine myself doing, I have been able to do.  I am going to continue that over the next year.  One day at a time.

"Don't dream it, be it."

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