Sunday, August 11, 2013

The real journey begins...

I haven't posted on here in a few months.  I still haven't given up.  I am still pushing forward and working hard on my weight.  I struggle just like everyone else, but I have not and will not give up.
Since starting this blog, I have changed my mind a little on what my goals are.  I still want to lose weight, but now I am very motivated to try to compete.  It has been a dream of mine for the past 6 years...almost since I started working out!  In 2009 I was very close to being able to make that dream come true, but a series of unfortunate things happened and put a stop to it very quickly.  I have put a time frame on it now and I have begun my journey to the stage.  This road will not be easy and I am sure that I will want to give up A LOT along the way, but I am determined to get there.  Brian thinks that I can, so as long as he believes in me....I can do this.
The goal that I have set is to be stage ready by next spring/summer.  My main focus right now is to gain back the muscle mass I have lost over the past few years.  For the most part, my strength has not gone away, but I have lost some considerable size since 2009.  I know my weakest points are my shoulders, biceps and triceps, so I am going to need to focus on those closely for the next few months.  I have finally decided to not worry about the fat loss so much right now, since I can't necessarily cut my calories AND gain muscle mass at the same time.  Fat loss will come, I just need to be patient.
I found out not too long ago that I was severely under-eating for months!  I have not really mentioned this in my blog, but I am a part of Hard Core Nutrition, a supplement store in Manahawkin, NJ.  We recently invested in the BodyGem, a medical device which tells you your resting metabolic rate.  Well my RESTING METABOLIC RATE was 1820!  That is really HIGH!  And I was eating anywhere between 1400 and 1600 calories a day, that's what the calorie tracking programs told me I needed.  That's really anywhere from 600-800 BELOW what I really need for fat loss, which means I was stalling the process.  This was a big life saver, I am now less hungry and feel so much better because I can eat the amount of food my body REALLY requires.  I am so excited I did the test, it has made me a happier person because I am no longer starving!
I am sitting down today, after I type up a myriad of meal plans for people from the store, to work on my own meal plan AGAIN and to map out my workouts for the next 4 weeks.  A notebook will be in tote at the gym again.  It's time to get down and dirty and really get myself conditioned for this dream.  I had the opportunity to meet a few more pro's in the industry recently.  Universal Nutrition made a pit stop at the store a few weeks ago and a friend invited my to Diamond Gym with her to meet IFBB Pro Physique Competitor Dana Linn Bailey too.  We have also been to the NY Pro this year and went to Jason Arntz's NPC Muscle Beach last night.  Those are the things that are making me even more motivated!  Especially seeing a friend of my aunt's competing after having 3 kids AND being close to 50 years old.  She looks amazing and has done an awesome job of transforming her body.  I am both envious and motivated!
This post is soooo long today, but there is so much on my mind.  I can't wait to watch my body once again transform and start showing those muscles.  I am ready to start.  I will try to post an update at least once a month, if not once a week.  If you chose to follow me, you will not regret it.

"Don't dream it, be it."

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