Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Notice of Eviction

Every thing takes a few days to sink in with me, sometimes weeks or even longer.  Brian has been telling for weeks to stop focusing on others and to just worry about ourselves.  I truly believed that I was benefiting from allowing people to rent some space in my head.  I felt that the people I allowed the space were HELPING me.  Well, it's obvious to others what this was doing to me, not so obvious to me though.
Over the weekend a friend stopped by and was talking to me.  This person respects me very much and always compliments me.  I was telling them about my progress with everything in life and they had to stop me.  They asked, "Why are you always comparing yourself to everyone else?"  I didn't really know what to say.  I thought about it for a second and said, "I just want to be better and it makes me work harder."  Their response was not typical, "I think it hurts your creativity and your drive.  I think that by you always comparing yourself to others it is hurting you, not making you better." WoW.  Again, I didn't know what to say.  The person said I should think about it later.  I kind of let it just slip into the back of my mind and stopped thinking about it for the moment.
A day later, it kind of hit me, I think they are right!  I think that I am really allowing too much space in my head to be rented.  Then I realized that I don't want to rent ANY space in my head.  NONE, in the long run it is just causing a headache.  So, that morning I sent a notice of eviction.  All of the tenants were being kicked out immediately.  The past few days have a little different not having the extra weight, I can actually breath better.  I have been much happier and have been able to focus more on myself, Brian and the store.  Makes a world of a difference.  Even if it takes me awhile, I will get there!  One day at a time.

"Don't dream it, be it."

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