Monday, August 19, 2013

A goal is a dream with a plan and a deadline.

Since I have started working toward my dream, to compete in a figure or physique show, I have realized I need to set small goals along the way.  A year is a long time, but when you look back it really isn't long at all.  When I first started on my fitness journey, the trainer I worked with instilled in me some ideas that have continued to stick with me.  Jordan (my trainer) always said I should have a long term goals AND short term goals.  That way I would always have something I am working toward, since the long term goals was always something that would take time.  I sat down in the beginning of the month and tried to figure out what I could work toward the next few weeks.  I decided that burning 3500 calories a week was it.  I have had a heart rate monitor, Garmin Forerunner 110, since June of last year and wear it every time I go to the gym or do a workout.  It was time to start using it for something different.
The Garmin Connect program is an awesome tool, but I was really using every feature it has to offer.  There is a section under "Plan" that allows me to set goals for myself.  I chose the calorie goal.  The past three weeks have been HARD.  As you can see, I didn't actually hit 100% until last week.  Between work and life, it isn't easy to get to the gym and have enough time to work toward that goal.  But I am making the necessary changes in my life so I CAN achieve my goals.  I am not making excuses and if it looks like I am not going to hit goal that week, I will add a cardio session in to make sure I get there now.
I will be setting different goals each month, but as time goes on, the 3500 calorie a week goal will still be there.  I want to be able to create new habits.  Once this is easy for me, I will figure out what I should try to conquer next.  Happy Monday!

"Don't dream it, be it."

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