It seems like there are a lot of people in life who want to tear you down, just to make themselves feel better. Their lives are somehow incomplete and you have something they are lacking. So these people need to make you feel insecure in your life to make them feel better about themselves. It is so twisted. Brian tells me all the time that I need to just ignore others and not let them rent space in my head. He says every time I allow them the time in my thoughts, when I dwell on something, I am letting them win. I am giving them what they want, questioning myself, my actions, reactions, feelings, thoughts....essentially questioning who I am . I am ALLOWING them to win.
It is so hard to just brush things off. It is hard to not dwell on things, especially when someone says something to knock down your confidence. This is probably one of my biggest downfalls. I am still trying to learn how to break this bad habit. Most of the time, I am allowing it to happen because I want the approval from the people who are knocking me down. I want to show them I am not what they think, that I can be better, that I am good enough for them, even if it means changing for them. THAT does not happen now, I have learned NOT to change for anyone. I still want to prove that I am good enough though.
I have been trying over the past few weeks to use this as fuel for my fire, to push me further in my training, my eating, just use it as my motivation. As I have said before, success is the best revenge. I just need to keep evolving in every aspect of my life and continue to be honest and forthcoming with people. Even if I am not in a good spot now, down the road all of that will be rewarded.
The other thing Brian always says, "Play the tape through." What will happen if I keep going in the direction I am headed? Will I get the result I am expecting? Dwelling on others opinions and negativity...will it take me to the next level and help me accomplish my goals? NO. I need to remember this, always. They can't take my heart away from me, unless I let them. And it's not going to happen. Not now, not ever.
"This is the part of me that you're never gonna take away from me." - Katy Perry
"Don't dream it, be it."
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