The store is very busy most of the time. It is hard to get meals in some days, even though we meal prep twice a week. I have finally forced myself to consistently drink close to a gallon of water a day. Between the Nalgene bottle that Brian bought me a few months ago and an app that a friend showed me, I get the right amount of water in. Food never really becomes a problem, unless it is like it has been the past few weeks at the store, BUSY.
I know this happens to most people, but I beat myself up for it. Take under eating and combine that with stress and that my friend is a recipe for disaster in my life. I can undo all of the good things I have done throughout the week in one sitting. I have said before that I am a stress eater, so take being hungry (I always joke and sing the jingle for the board game "Hungry, Hungry Hippo) and starving yourself, put them together and I am BINGE EATING. Luckily, the past few weeks I have really focused on trying to just eat enough to feel full. I have not been PERFECT, I will never be, BUT I have been able to not do so much damage. It is not easy, but I am forcing myself.
I am also beating the hell out of myself mentally because I didn't go to the gym yesterday. I usually teach a spin class in the morning, but the gym was closed due to a power outage. There was so much that needed to been done at the store, I just went there early and skipped my workout. I beat myself up for that all day too. When I got home, I was almost in tears because I missed my cardio day. Brian gave me a hug and said "Sweetie, you can make it up another's just cardio." I know he is right, I can just go for a double sometime between Thursday and Saturday to make it up, but the mental aspect is still there. He also tried to get me to see all of the things that we got accomplished in the store, things that really needed to be done. I love him to death (but I hate that he is always right LoL). He always tells me, "One day at a time."
With each new day, there is a new beginning. Time to start that day with some positive thoughts.
"Don't dream it, be it."
Devin, remember all the things that that you would say to your friends, or your customers. You inspire and help so many people. Be kind to yourself. Life happens, your journey does not have to be perfect as long as you reach your destination. You will get there.