Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Spin Class

I love working out and I love spin class.  I have been teaching class for the past 5 years and was finally Spinning certified in December.  It is a passion of mine and I enjoy sharing my love of spinning with others.  Even during the crazy storm yesterday, where the tornado touched down less than a mile from my gym and the beginning of the class started with a power outage, I still was able to deliver a great workout.  I am happy that I have been been given the opportunity to instruct.
I have toned down my cardio a little over the past few months, but still burn between 500 and 600 calories in an hour.  I have set a goal of burning 3500 calories a week so that I might be able to change my physique slowly and still be able to achieve my goal of putting more muscle mass on at the same time.  I am more motivated now than ever.  It's almost time to head off to the gym.  The link below is to yesterday's workout.

The Ocean Club - Spin by djaime at Garmin Connect - Details

"Don't dream it, be it."

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