Thursday, September 19, 2013

I've fallen, but I CAN get up.

I haven't posted in a little over a week.  Since Labor Day, things have been chaotic, to say the least.  I am not going to go in to detail about the problems I have had, just know that it has been a stressful and emotional few weeks.  Stress does some interesting things to your body.  The mental strain can drain so much energy from you physically, even if your brain tells you otherwise.  Needless to say, I didn't make it to the gym very much and didn't hit any of the goals I set for myself.  This week is a little better, but I am still not reaching my goal.
Last week I started to beat myself up for it, saying that I would never be able to do this, yelling at myself saying I was crazy for thinking I could.  My alarm went off every morning, my hopes were each evening to just start over tomorrow, but when tomorrow came, my body didn't agree.  I was so tired.  After about a week of not getting to the gym, I realized what I was doing to myself.  I was fueling the negativity, allowing it to shove it ugly head back into my life.  Sometimes we have to just roll with the punches, other times we have to take a stand and defend ourselves.
There is so much going on in my life, I am being pulled in many different directions.  It is hard to stay focused on my training when so many things outside of working out need to be taken care of.  The next month or so is going to be very difficult.  I am beginning a personal training schedule at the gym, still have the store to take care of, my training schedule, plus cooking, cleaning, organizing the house...good thing I don't have kids or animals!  I need to re-adjust my training schedule, so I can continue to live life on life's terms.  I also need to trust that everything is going to be okay and that no matter what is put in front of my, I need to just stand strong and keep going, one day at a time.

"Don't dream it, be it."

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