Tuesday, September 10, 2013


Sometimes, you need to just have faith that things are going to be okay, sometimes.  It's hard to have faith.  It's hard to have confidence.  It's hard to trust.  There are points in life when even though you have done everything you can to keep things going, you falter in your faith.  Faith doesn't always have to be about God.  It can be faith in anything, your job, kids, yourself, friends, spouse, workouts, what ever you believe in.
Martin Luther King said "Faith is taking the first step, even though you don't see the whole staircase."  That is a  very difficult thing for me to do.  I always need to know what is going to happen next, I need to make sure that there is really another step to take.  There have been many things going on in my life and I was thrown a curve ball recently.  I don't really know if I have the confidence to deal with it, I feel broken.  All of the strength and courage I have been working on building have been knocked down.  Somehow I need to focus and get myself back to where I was.  I don't want to give up, I don't want to let hope slip away.
I need to stand strong and weather the storm.  I have done it before, I should be able to do it again.  I will smash that curve ball and hit a home run, one day at a time.

"Don't dream it, be it."

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