Thursday, September 05, 2013

A new chapter

I guess it's long overdue.  The past month or so I have been thinking about how much I miss personal training.  It is honestly my passion, what I enjoy to do most.  There is a certain satisfaction and sense of accomplishment that comes with training.  The friendship and bonds that are made with clients are truly different.  You connect with people on a whole different level.  Brian and I discussed how I could get back into the gym and start training again, not only to benefit my clients, but to benefit myself as well.
If you ask my parents what I wanted to be when I grew, almost my ENTIRE childhood I would have told you a teacher.  That changed when I got into high school.  I made some realizations about myself, I really didn't think I would have the patience to deal with children all day.  Looking around the classrooms my sophomore, junior and senior year, I didn't think I could hack it.  My focus changed during those years and I fell in love with writing and photography.  I did a complete 180 and wanted to be an "artist".  Well, that changed too and I didn't go that direction either.  I still took pictures and scribbled my thoughts in notebooks on and off over the years, but I fell into the routine of my old life and pointed myself in another crazy direction.
When I decided to sign up at a gym and hired my trainer, never did I think that I would fall in love with fitness.  After the first few months of hating the gym, dreading going there and being sore, I finally started to see the transformation I was making and my mindset changed completely.  I started to enjoy working out, enjoy the soreness, enjoy being out of breath, because I, along the the trainer, was becoming a butterfly!  I was morphing into something new, something different.  I loved my new body and I loved that my trainer, my TEACHER, was helping me make it all happen.  I started to toy with the idea that I could be a trainer!  I was asking more questions about why we did certain exercises, why I needed to keep my heart rate down, why I could  and couldn't do certain things and started to do some research on my own about exercise.  It was fascinating!
2008- Stephanie & I
after a training session
So fast forward a year after I started my own fitness journey and I was a trainer!  I was doing exactly what my trainer did for me.  I was teaching people to transform their bodies.  When you think about it, exercising when done properly is a form of art.  You are shaping and molding people's physique's and their health.  It is amazing to watch, to see the transformations.  I was, in a way, combining the two things I wanted to be as a child...a teacher and an artist.  It may not be what I envisioned growing up, but it definitely is what I wanted to do.  I was so sad to have to give it up after the store opened.
After some discussion and planning, Brian and I decided it is time for me to go back.  I am at a new point in my life and I am ready to get back into this part of the industry.  I am going to have a limited schedule, but I will be able to do what I love to do most, TRAIN OTHERS!  I am so excited and a little nervous to get back into this.  I am ready to start next week and have already scheduled a few appointments.  I can't wait to get back out there!

"Don't dream it, be it."

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