Last night, before I dragged my over-tired self to bed, I was not the nicest person to my fiance, Brian. I have been seriously overwhelmed be the series of events that have taken place. I was rambling to him about how he needs to change his dinner time so he can go to bed earlier, to wake up earlier, to get a workout in earlier, to get to the store get the idea. In my state of tired drunkenness, I failed to realize all of the thing he has already changed and all of the things he has been working on. I also didn't consider the fact that he hasn't been feeling well and has some injuries that continually restrict him from doing things.
I woke up this morning about an hour later than usual. I did my normal morning routine. I started to get angry because I am not going to get my workout in today and logged onto my Garmin account to see how many calories I burned this week....2845 calories. WOW, I only needed to burn another 655 between today and Saturday to reach my goal of 3500 for the week. That's nothing! My mood shifted quickly after I saw that and I started thinking about last night.
Brian is still sleeping at 8AM, why? Because he ate dinner at 11PM...had emails and texts to go through, orders he needed to finish working on AND still isn't feeling well. SO, he probably didn't get in bed until somewhere around 2AM. He doesn't really sleep well either, so reality is...he actually falls asleep somewhere around 4 or 5AM. I sometimes forget that he is not as healthy as he looks. I lean on him so much for so many things because I never really have had that in a relationship. He is a strong willed person, but I forget that he deals with a lot.
I just need to keep focusing on the things that MATTER and keep pushing toward the goals that we have set, together and individually. When stress starts to wedge it way into my life and begins to take control of everything, I need to remember "This too shall pass." There hasn't been anything that I or Brian or the two of together haven't been able to push through and come out better.
"Don't dream it, be it."