It's very interesting to see how things in life come full circle. When Brian and I first started dating, we talked about the tattoos he had. On his left arm was one of his first tattoos, it said "Bones" with a skull and crossbones. He said he got it because it was his nickname from skateboarding as a teenager, that was the extent of the explanation. I never asked much more about it the nickname and he never brought it up after that. Fast forward to this past week... I am still learning about all of the roller skating stuff. I am using quad skates and in my search on Amazon to purchase the wheels, some of them were listed for skateboarding. I purchased an 8 pack of Radar Zen 85A wheels. They are the ones I borrowed from John to try out and absolutely love right now. I didn't think about the bearings because there were bearings in my old wheels. Friday night, my new wheels were put on with my stock bearings and I noticed the ride on the wheels wasn't as smooth as the borrowed ones. I asked John what bearings he had in his. He said Redz. I responded asking what to search for so I could purchase the new bearings and he said, "Bones Redz." I was looking for the bearings on Sunday. It started to hit me that I was searching for BONES Redz. Again, skateboarding was listed for the bearings. The logo for the Bones company was the tattoo Brian had on his arm. I actually started to cry a little, I was purchasing bearings that Brian was using on his skateboard when he was a kid. It's crazy to think that if he were here with me now Brian would have been able to help me so much with roller skating. His knowledge of skateboards would have converted to my roller skates. I don't know if I would have been able to get him on skates, maybe lol. He would have 100% backed me in my new passion and I know he is supporting me through his spirit regardless.
As the 1st anniversary of Brian's death is fast approaching, it feels like he is
speaking to me more and more. I am trying to do my best to move forward
in my life while preserving the memory of the life I had with Brian. There is a saying, "If you believe, signs turn up everywhere."and I get signs from Brian in the weirdest ways. Buying bearings for my roller skates seems to be a sign from him, telling me that I am doing something right and that he approves. I only hope that my perception of things that happen are real and not my imagination.
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