Monday, January 28, 2013

I am not here to talk.

Again this morning, my alarm went off at 6:00 AM and I didn't want to get out of bed. I am tired, I want to sleep, but I got my ass out from under the covers and made my shake and went to the gym.

When I got there, one of the people I am friends with walked up to me and literally got in my face and said "What's up Dev?" and continued to walk right next to me. I was very angry. My response, "I'm BUSY." I don't have much time these days to spend in the gym. I work every day and I have regular life things to take care of. I have about an hour a day that I can take to workout. I may have sounded like a total bitch, but really, I am not in the gym to socialize. I am there to workout and leave. I will wave, I will nod, I will say hello, but to have a conversation or gossip is not a part of my gym routine.
I am done being nice, I am done letting people walk all over me. I am on a mission and I don't care. If you are in my way, I will let you know. If you are annoying me, I will tell you. I won't be rude about it, but I will straight up tell you. I am not sorry either, I am being honest. Just leave me alone and let me do me.

"Don't dream it, be it."

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