Friday, October 27, 2017

You Can't Steal My Sunshine...

It is said: "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me." This can be far from the truth. 
Most of my life I haven't been able to think or say that statement without letting what others say about me get stuck in my head. I played it off at first like what someone said didn't bother me, but then the words played like a broken record over and over in my head. Even if what someone says isn't true, I was never confident enough to realize that what they are saying isn't true. 

That has changed over the past 6 or so years. Brian helped me with that. There were many times after I started teaching spin class I would come home upset because someone would have left class early, complained about my music or even looking completely stone faced while taking class. The worst was one evening I taught and left the gym crying because there were a group of women in the front row making fun of me the entire class. In that moment, I wanted to give up. I went home broken and told Brian that I was quitting, I could no longer take it. He sat down with me and asked, "Do you LIKE teaching spin?"  I said, "Of course." He went on to ask why I would let other people influence me, let them take the joy out of something I liked, allow them to take away my happiness. I didn't know what to say to him.  My response was, "It's easier to quit than to deal with them." We went on to talking about whether I should really give up on spinning and after the conversation I made the decision to continue because everything Brian said made complete sense.

I continued to instruct class, but I changed the way I taught little by little. I adapted to the demographic of my class as far as music was concerned, I ignored the people who left and the people who had anything negative to say. I believe that was the year I got Mad Dogg certified as well. I used the anger and frustration to fuel my love of being a Spinning Instructor.  My classes were still as hard as they ever were, but they evolved. The next few years my classes grew with attendance and people came and went.  In the beginning of this year, I started to question myself again, wondering if I really wanted to continue teaching.  The gym, my class demographic and I was changing. I was losing the passion I had for Spin all over again.  By April, I was seriously contemplating giving my classes up.  I even mentioned it to a few frequent attendees and friends. Each person said they HOPED I didn't leave because they LOVED my class.  The response was not what I expected, I thought they would be happy that I would be gone. I truly believed they could see I was no longer the same instructor and that my classes were going down in quality.

I still toyed with the idea of leaving for the next few months, even though I really didn't want to. Brian & I were looking into things I could do to make my class even more unique and different than what it was. Then Brian passed away and I truly COULDN'T teach. I took 4 weeks off.  In those 4 weeks, there was a lot of reflection and thought. What did I want to do with my life? Where am I heading? How am I going to instruct and run a store by myself? The longer I was home, the more I actually missed being at the gym. I had started going in 1 day a week with a trainer just to get out of my house and get some kind of physical stimulation. Two weeks after I being on "leave", a woman who was subbing for my class stopped me after my personal training session. She told me that the members had said they liked her, but they really missed MY CLASS. Of course I cried when I left the gym, but you know what? I emailed my boss that day and told her I wanted to start teaching again on August 1. I came back on August 1 with a renewed spirit, love and passion for my class.  I just kept thinking about that conversation from years ago with Brian and thinking about the couple of months prior to taking leave. He would never in a million years would have wanted me to give up, it gave me the hope and determination I needed to get up and ride. I am so glad it did.
I am forever grateful for the lessons life has taught me. Today, I can say with confidence, "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me." Do you want to know why? I realize now that what other people say to me isn't a reflection of who I am, but a reflection of their perception of me OR something they are struggling with in their own lives. I strive to be MY best and that's the best I can do.  You can't steal my sunshine.

Thursday, October 26, 2017

A New Chapter of Life...

I have not updated this blog in over 3 years.  Many things have changed, as they do with most people's lives.  Some people know what has happened, others are still finding out.  On June 30, 2017 at 2:42 AM my life forever changed.  I lost Brian, he suffered a series of heart attacks and was taken from me.  This was the man who loved me unconditionally and would have done anything to make me happy.  He was the one I was supposed to grow old with, who built a business with me, who supported me through all of the craziness and was my constant in every situation.  Brian was always able to calm me down when I worried, told me everything would be alright, that God has a plan.  GOD HAS A PLAN and that did not fit what my hopes and dreams were.

I have a hard time thinking about that late night/early morning experience. For days after his death, I could not control my emotions I felt hopeless and unmotivated.  The tears were uncontrollable and the guilt and remorse allowed the dam to stay open.  I avoided leaving my house in fear of running into anyone I knew, I asked people to pick my food up from the diner because I couldn't face anyone.  I didn't go to the grocery store, I stopped teaching my spin class, I just sat in my house on my couch living inside of my head.  I didn't think that I would ever be able to function again.  I could not see myself talking to people about Brian or his death or how I was feeling.  I really didn't think I could ever be happy again.  I vowed that I was done with relationships forever.  It felt like someone ripped my heart out, burned it and then tried to sew it back into me. The pain hasn't gone away.  I've described it to being like having surgery and getting scar tissue: At first it is very painful, but as time goes by the pain dulls and only hurts with reminders of it being there.

I have been trying to focus on taking care of myself.  Doing things that I have wanted to do for years, getting back into the gym, prepping my food for the most part, going to the doctor to make sure I am ok, running the store alone and even allowed myself to get into a relationship.  It's not easy to get up every day after 11 years of being with someone 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and function.  I try to start each day with a positive attitude, sometimes it's not easy.  Sometimes a wave of emotion comes over me and I cannot do anything to stop it.  Sometimes I feel like there are multiple waves crashes over my head and I think I am drowning.  There are days I want the waves to just carry my away.  

The past 20 months have been the most DIFFICULT I have EVER experienced in almost 39 years.  I have never felt so overwhelmed in my life and even though I am surrounded by loving and caring people who want to help, I have never felt so alone. On a daily basis people tell me how strong I am, how they admire me for that strength and how they wish nothing but happiness for me.  Today, I wake up feeling sick from having a procedure done yesterday at the doctor, my heart ripped from my chest yet again from someone who "thought" they were ready for a relationship and I have to face the day somehow with a smile.

Brian sent this text to Greg at Gcode Nutrition just a few days before he passed away:
KEEP MOVIN FORWARD. Even if I’m dragging one dead leg behind.  

I remember coming home that evening and him laughing about the text because his foot was broken.  It was kind of funny in a very sad way, but you know what?  He's right.  I need to keep moving forward.  Even if I'm dragging one dead leg behind.  

Let go, Let God.
This too shall pass.
Willingness is the key. 

God grant me the serenity to
ACCEPT the things I CANNOT change,
The COURAGE to CHANGE the things I can,

"Don't dream it, be it."