Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Finally, some progress.

After a year of trying to get back on track, I am finally seeing some progress with my fat loss.  Yes, I have to weigh my food. YES, I am taking the time to cook more in bulk.  Yes, I am waking up at 5:30 in the morning to make it to the gym everyday.  Yes, it kinda sucks.  BUT, you want to know something...I am happier for it.  I have used the past year to get myself on a better schedule and FINALLY I am able to focus on the real goal, losing this body fat.  I realize that it didn't take me a few weeks or months to gain back some of my weight and I also realize that I didn't get to a size 22 a few years ago overnight.  This battle is never ending and I always just need to stand my ground and keep pushing forward no matter what obstacles stand in my way.
I have not been measured in about a month, but I can see the difference in my body and know that I need to get those measurements done.  Brian is also FINALLY seeing the difference too.  This is really weird, but I will walk into the kitchen and pull my shirt in front of him and say, "LOOK AT MY BELLY!"  I have been doing this for a month now and two days ago he FINALLY said, "Let me see that again...WOW, I can actually see a change now."  My stomach has the largest amount of fat on it, so it is going to take the longest to make it go away.  I just hope that this time when I drop the skin doesn't sag as much as it did last time.  I am trying to drink enough water and take the right vitamins to aid in the elasticity, as well as using lotion to keep the skin hydrated, but the skin has been stretched for a long time and may not want to shrink, LoL.
Enough for today, I have to get ready to teach Spin class.  I am excited for the next few months and can't wait to be able to show before and after pictures again.  This time, I have real ones....

"Don't dream it, be it."

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