Friday, February 07, 2014


2014 hasn't started so wonderfully and I haven't been blogging at all.  Life gets in the way, stress somehow always finds a way to take things over.  Regardless, this year is looking like it is going to be better somehow, some way.  New things are on the horizon for our store and I am feeling much better physically from all of the changes I have made with the calorie increase over the summer.  I started training clients again at the gym and had to take off for the holidays.  Between their schedules and mine, plus everyone catching all of the "bugs" going around...appointments were hard to keep.
My journey to compete is still a goal.  I think I am FINALLY going to be able to get the most important part of the whole thing down, the DIET.  I have been able to maintain my weight and size 9 jeans since the summer.  Now it's time to cut back and change it up.  No more cookies and junk at night, one meal a week will be outside of the normal without sabotaging myself.  I bought a new pair of sneakers so I can start focusing on running more.  So far so good.
I was beating myself up, like I usually do, for not being able to hit my goals.  The other day I was speaking to John (he is now working with us at the store) and mentioned that I was going to start training for a 5K that I would like to do sometime in the spring.  We were talking about my times and where I would like to be for this one.  I haven't run a 5K since 2009...

Race Date:4-04-09

(There were 312 runners in this race)

Before that I ran two 5K's in 2007....

Race Date: 3-31-07

(There were 169 runners in this race)

I also ran to Cops and Runners race in Barnegat that year, but cannot find the results. I know my time was a little WORSE on that one because there was a cross wind and I was dying both ways. It was 28 minutes and change. Regardless, talking about these times made me realize something. In 2006 I couldn't even WALK on the treadmill at 2.5 without being out of breath. Between the weight and the asthma, I was winded very easily. In 1996, I couldn't run more than a lap around the track at the high school because I didn't KNOW I had asthma! In 2007 and 2009 I was RUNNING 3.12 MILES without being out of breath! That is something to be proud of.

NEW SHORT TERM GOAL: try to beat my 2009 time, even if it is only by 1 second.

"Don't dream it, be it."

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