Thursday, February 21, 2019

Roller Skating, Dating & FEAR...

Emotions are a natural part of our being. Joy, sadness, anxiety, jealousy, anger, hatred, curiosity, pleasure, pain...the list goes on and on. No matter what the emotion you are feeling, your mood often determines how you make decisions each and every day. I have found that most of the decisions I've made in my life have been made based on the level of one uneasy feeling: FEAR. Over the course of my life most of my choices were made out of fear of what others would think of me, making me regret the path those decisions led me to. This week I have had discussions with numerous people about this very subject.

Back in April when I started skating, I could not relax and learn how to get better at this sport. I would skate out onto the rink tense and scared. I allowed the fear of falling and embarrassing myself to take over. Although I was able to skate around the rink and get the cardio I so desperately needed done, I could not advance further with any skills. The thought of falling on my ass with everyone around me watching dominated and I could not allow myself to try anything new. My skills were extremely basic for months and I was frustrated with myself for not being able to progress any further. Once I allowed myself to become comfortable on the skates, the confidence I felt in my ability to try a new move soared. I improved each and every time I skated. The fear of falling was still in my mind, but I was more comfortable with my surroundings and started to not care what others would think if I fell. Now, I skate freely and confidently with little fear.

I have been replaying a message I received from someone a few months ago in my head. I was trying to explain that I didn't feel I was ready to date. The message I received back was, "You're such a beautiful girl you should stop punishing yourself." I don't think that I am punishing myself. I have come to realize that I am PROTECTING myself. The fear of being in pain has come to rule my love life. I did date someone shortly after Brian passed away and it did not work out. The devastation I felt, especially so close to losing Brian, was overwhelming. It took months to recover from yet another loss in my life. I have entertained some of the people who have shown interest in me since then, only to dismiss them within about two weeks of talking. I haven't even gone on a date with anyone. I fill my time with work, the gym and roller skating, using the fact that I am busy as an excuse, "I don't have time".

I project into the future, play the tape through and always end with me being alone and hurting. Some of my friends have said that when the right person comes along, I will make the time. I can't see that happening. I truly believe that Brian was my soulmate, he left me too soon. The relationship we had was not perfect by any means, yet there was a simple sense of respect, care and understanding we had for each other. I don't compare anyone to him, I know that another person cannot replace him. I cannot see myself finding another human being who will have that same level of communication with me. The more I sit here and type, the more I am beginning to realize that I am afraid of dating. I am scared to open my heart to someone. I am scared to forget Brian, afraid of being hurt and fearful to lose myself again.

I am allowing fear to run a portion of my life that I should not. Somehow I need relax like I did with skating and not worry about opening my heart to someone and falling. I don't know how long it will take for that to happen or if it ever will. Maybe my friends are right and it will just take a very special person to change my mind, but for now I will let the fear protect my heart.

"Don't dream it, be it."